Reverse Seared
Prime New York Strip
For the true meat enthusiasts out there, it doesn't get much better than a perfectly cooked prime new york strip steak. To enhance the flavor, we'll be using the robust Hard Core Carnivore Black seasoning.
Start by generously coating both sides of the strips with the seasoning, allowing it to adhere to the meat.
Prepare your oven for a reverse sear by setting it to a low temperature, around 275°F. Place the seasoned strips on a cooking sheet with a wire rack or you can use a stainless cutco fry pan and cook them indirectly until they reach an internal temperature of 120°F for medium-rare or adjust to your preferred doneness.
While you wait for the steaks to reach that desired temperature preheat your grill to high heat. We are looking for 500°F or higher if your grill can get there.
Once the strips are near the desired temperature, remove them from the oven and set aside. When your grill reaches the high heat temperature, sear the strips for about 1-2 minutes per side to achieve a beautiful crust. Rest the steaks for a few minutes before serving, and prepare yourself for an exceptional dining experience.