5 Tricks To Keep Your Cutco Scary Sharp
Check out these 5 simple tricks to take better care of your knives so they continue to make your life in the kitchen easy!
Use the right knife for the right job. One of the biggest mistakes we see is knives being used for something they are not designed for. A common example is the chef knife being used to saw through meat. Anytime you are sawing you should most likely being using one of our DD Edge (serrated) knives. Check out this video for choosing the right tool for the right job.
Do not use glass, granite, or hard wood cutting boards. Using your knives on hard surfaces will cause the blades to dull more quickly. You want to use boards that are soft enough to have a little give. We, obviously, recommend our american-made and forever guaranteed cutting boards.
Store them properly. Whether you use a block, sheaths, or a magnetic strip storing your knives safely will protect your blades from unintended chips which make your knives not work like they are supposed to. Each of your knives should have a specific home. You can check out our storage options here.
Use the #82 knife sharpener. Insanely simple and effective for our straight edge knives. Watch this video to see how to properly use the sharpener and you can order here or let us know if you want this on your wish list.
Use the Cutco Forever Guarantee. Our guarantee covers sharpening forever. No matter if you are the original purchaser, if you were gifted your Cutco or you got lucky at a garage sale. We recommend they go to the factory every 7-10 years.
You don’t have to put a spell on your knives to keep them scary sharp. We pride ourselves on making that easy for you.